Wealth Habits

Created to help you develop the long term habits of the wealthy.

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  • 14 Audios in All
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Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

I am so excited about the Financial Fitness Program! We just wrote the final check for one of our loans and so far in this process, that makes it over $24,000 worth of consumer debt that we’ve been able to pay off just by applying the principles we’ve learned. We still have a ways to go, but this has made such a dent in our debtreduction program! I just want to encourage everybody to stick with it! Even if it’s inch-by-inch, just by applying these principles, we’re beginning to see that the power of compounding is working in our favor.
Jean Tuomala

I wanted to give an update on how the Financial Fitness Program has made a difference in my life. 2016 was the year that I took control of my finances and I was able to pay off $10,500 worth of debt. The Financial Fitness Program is totally changing my life. I’m 24 years old and my wife is 23 and had we not started this program now, we would have been in a deep financial hole in the future. We are so blessed to be plugged into this information and we are now one step closer to our financial freedom!
Isaac Principe

Wealth Habits Series

$120.00 (USD)
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